SCAD Summer Program
Last week, July 10-16, I was at SCAD Summer Seminar Session 2. That sure is a mouthful. During the summer, Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), has a summer program. You can go for one week or multiple weeks. This was my first year, so I only went for one. While you're there, you get the full college experience; staying in a dorm with a roommate, taking buses to your classes, eating in the cafeteria, meeting people from around the world and having new experiences! Everyone took 2 classes, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, each lasting for 2 1/2 hours. My morning class was Alternative Photography, taught by Terri Foote and my afternoon class was Traditional 2D Animation taught by Troy Gustafson. On Friday, there was an exhibit in Arnold Hall of the work that the students did over the week. Everyone displayed one thing from each class. For the next couple of posts, I am going to explain what I did in these classes and show pictures. I hope you enjoy them!
To read about the first half of the Alternative Photography class, click here!
Read about the second half here!