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Winter in France!

Fiiiiinally ready to upload photos from my winter quarter in France! Spring quarter was more busy than I could've ever imagined and I'm glad to be on summer vacation now. Expect quite a few posts within the next short while because I've been too busy to update my blog for awhile now. In this post I'll be sharing general photos from my trip and later I'll make another post showing all the many many museums I went to.

So let's get into it!

In case you don't know SCAD owns a campus in Lacoste, France, a very small village in Provence. The majors that attend this campus switch every quarter. On the weekends we took field trips to neighboring towns and cities including Marseille, Lyon, and Nîmes.

Students are allowed to take personal trip over the weekends so after visiting Marseille my roommates and I caught a bus to Nice, France to see the Flower Parade for Carnival!

The last week in January the whole school took a 5 day trip to Paris which was jam packed with adventures. There were certain museums and monuments we saw with our classes and we could also go off on our own during our free time.

The last weekend my roommate, Molly, and I took a bus to Barcelona, Spain. We were originally planning to go to Milan, Italy, but in the days leading up to the trip COVID-19 spread heavily through Italy, so we needed to travel someplace safer. Barcelona was a great backup plan!

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